Opening time:2020.12.19
Duration: 2020.12.19 -- 2021.03.05
Location: Today Art Museum No.3

Exhibition Preface

Our diverse modern era has cultivated many distinctive artistic styles.

As this tumultuous year draws to an end, too many unbelievable twists and turns have accompanied our daily lives. The constant bombing of breaking news has shrouded the world in an atmosphere of uncertainly resembling “magical realism”. We desperately need an artistic encounter to electrify and surround us with invigorating energy, awaken our senses and encourage us to move forward. "It’s Not Possible – FAS Fun & Fashion Art Show” has gathered the works of more than 40 top domestic and international artists. Our exhibition seeks to deconstruct traditional boundaries between art, popular culture, fashion, and technology to create an unique immersive experience which combines tradition and innovation.

Contrasting cultural and commercial elements are integrated in the works of domestic artists, forming a fascinating visual combination of traditional Chinese symbols and contemporary aesthetic influence. On the other hand, distinguished new works from outstanding contemporary Japanese and western artists whose brilliance continue to influence the contemporary art world help foresee upcoming artistic trends. This exhibition also presents ground-breaking cross-border cooperation between artists, musicians, interior designers, and fashion designers. By constructing a diverse immersive experience, FAS hopes to promote the spirit of individuality and unique aesthetic attitude. Please step into this vivid space and experience our new unrestrained artistic energy.



史金淞,曾梵志XArTy ReTro,于幸泽,王成普,池 磊,赵一浅,刘銧銧,张长江,田晓磊,林万山,谭英杰,秦铃森,陈轩荣,吴建豪,文那,彭磊,詹佶昂,王加诺,庞凡,宋三土 ,朱仲鱼,贾浩然,侯诗晓,吴思林,仇越,大橘子,R.T.W,Prince,草间弥生,村上隆,北彩子,川崎泰史,Daniel Arsham,David Flores,金卷芳俊,KAWS,空山基,Philip Colbert,小泉悟,平子雄一,山田航平,天野タケル,小松美羽,Evgen Čopi Gorišek
