The Framework of space   Absolute Experience!

Art should not be put on the shelf, but blends in with people’s life.

Viewing art from a distance is not enough, we also need to step up, observe it, touch it, ruminating and perceive it which is more important. It is filled with color, fluctuation, stack and intersection. At the same time, it is also diversiform, quiet, warm, drastic and moving!


As the remnant of old industrial age, outer walls of Today Art Museum have strong flavor of nostalgia and the dust of time; while, the inner space designed by famous architect Wang Huizhuo perfectly blends in with the concept of modern art. Therefore, a connection is formed between new and old rendering the presenting of special art aesthetics. Thus, the special structure of spaces brings about infinite possibilities for various activities.

 TodayArt Museumhas special spaces and special experience as well!

Afternoon Tea

Gathering inToday Art Museum, and basking under the sunshine with some friends

Enjoying the casual time in the afternoon, appreciating extraordinary art works

Expressive and quiet spaces, compatible and tranquil colors, simple but elegant materials are all comforting the fickle mental world of modern people.

Fit for family or friends party


Cocktail Party
Tasting good wine and eating nice food seem to become one symbol of high quality life these days.

However, when people are tired of noisy and fickle banquets, finding a secluded corner and enjoying this casual time surrounded by all kinds of collections will be a good choice.

Fit for parties of family, friends and team activities


Private Diner

Taste nice food, taste art and taste life.

Nowadays, merely good flavor of food can not satisfy epicures’ requirement, but the high standard of the place’s atmosphere is also a vital factor. With intense atmosphere of art and no foppish gingerbread, you’ll not only receive a banquet, but also one feast of art taste. Besides, the alternate small-size interaction segment will break a new path for your banquet.
Fit for friend party and expressing appreciation to clients.

Please contact us:
Tel: 8610-58760705
Fax: 8610-58760600