OPEN·Power to Go Photography Retrospective Exhibition Walkers with Warm Hearts

Opening time:N/A
Duration: 2015.01.08 -- 2015.01.14
Location: 2nd floor exhibition hall of Building No.1, Today Art Museum

Exhibition Preface

The public program "Power to Go" started with an idea from Chen Kun in the summer of 2010. He was in search of a method to reach inner peace and hoping that this peace would give him the power and he could also pass this power on to others. The method he found in the end was walking. Chen Kun's team K.Pictures then launched the program "Power to Go" in 2011. It leads groups of young people to be away from the cities and take long trekking in an almost ascetic style in plateaus and valleys in the wild. Participants in the program have to conquer hardship of all kinds and they are able to pay more attention to their own spiritual world and gain power from the walking. Whether walking can really reach the soul and the meaning of the program were questioned by many people in the early phase of the program. But Chen Kun was convicted of his simple initiative: walking quiets people down and in walking they are able to dialogue with their hearts and gain positive power. He believes that although it is not a project that changes anything immediately, it will surely "sow the seeds of positive power in the hearts of all the participants and they will bloom and yield fruits some day in the future."

The Power to Go has been operating for four years now. Chen Kun and the team have led many a group of volunteers to leave footprints in the Tibetan plateau, the Anye Maqen Mountain in Qinghai, Himalaya and the gobi desert of Dunhuang. These young trekkers come from various walks of life. They shed their sweat and tears in such different but all hard routes. As they conquered the steep mountains and desolate gobi, they felt a consolidated power which is heart-warming. 

The walking continues. More and more people come to know and follow this program. The exhibition of the image art from the Power to Go will be held from the 7 January 2015 at Today Art Museum. The exhibition will feature the photographic works in various walking projects of the past four years. These photos are the re-presentation of the innumerous heart-warming moments in all the walking. For the Power to Go, this exhibition is a new form of sharing and messaging to the community. It is more like a symbolic action of "opening" the heart. 


Li Yijing


Xu Chuang,Tee,Wu Qili,Shi Weihong,Zhang Shiwei,Bai Bai,Du Hongbin,Sun Shenzhou

