A Portrait of Time -The Photographs of Chen Yaqiang

Opening time:3:00pm,May.10, 2014
Duration: 2014.05.11 -- 2014.05.21
Location: 2nd floor exhibition hall of Building No.2,Today Art Museum

Exhibition Preface

Chen Yaqiang’s images of a withered poplar tree in the Taklamakan Desert become portraits that convey a sense of dignity and ceremony. The Uyghur word for poplar means“the most beautiful tree.” A poplar can live for a thousand years, and even after it dies, it won’t fall for another thousand years. Even after it falls, it won’t rot for another thousand years. In Chen’s pristinely clear images, time may have withered in the growth rings of history, but it will never truly die.——Na Risong

Daliyabuyi is unusual in that it has floated proudly and alone through the seas of time. In this desert, the poplar existed and thrived for thousands of years. The poplar is like a veil sending out warmth, covering and sustaining the life and ecosystem of Daliyabuyi. Many historical events, which are largely unknown and long past, have finally become indestructible legends through this tree’s coldly beautiful growth process. This natural vitality constantly influences and inspires everyone that comes near it. In an instant, this vitality has completely diffused, making everyone who has experienced it appreciate the basic principles behind the existence of civilizations. On a more spiritual level, the tree can calmly absorb primeval energy, then give off a strong and enchanting radiance, illuminating everyone around it.——Ba Li 


Na Risong


Chen Yaqiang

