Natural presentation and abstract exploration - Deng Xiujian's art show of painting

Opening time:4pm, June 15, 2013
Duration: 2013.06.16 -- 2013.06.29
Location: 1st floor exhibition hall of Building No.3, Today Art Museum

Exhibition Preface

An art exhibition, natural and abstract exploration -- Deng Xiujian’s painting show will be held from June 16, 2013 to June 29, 2013. 58 painting works created by Deng Xiujian will be shown at Beijing’s Today Art Museum NO.3 hall layer 1. The art works contain strong emotion and combine art exploration to practice. Deng jianxiu, born in 1956, Wuhu city, Anhui province, China. Now he is the director of oil painting art committee in Wuhu Municipal Association. When Deng Xiujian was young, he studied painting from his father, Deng Jingyu and master Ling Hong. In 1996 he studied at the China Central Academy of Fine Art. He held several personal exhibitions at home and abroad. His works published on some magazines and newspapers such as “world knowledge pictorial ", “Chinese oil painting " and “art mainstream". His works are collected by the National Art Museum of China, and many museums in Sweden, France, Switzerland, Canada, the United States of America.




Deng Xiujian

