Fantasy and Superstring: Godwin Liu’s Solo Exhibition

Opening time: October,31, 3:00pm
Duration: 2020.10.31 -- 2020.11.13
Location: Space No.3, Today Art Museum, Beijing

Exhibition Preface

Fantasy and Superstring

Godwin Liu's Solo show

Wang Chunchen


Art seems to become more and more standardized nowadays. Modern art education and art history also tell us many ways. We see things with filter because of our inner instinctive reaction after we are trained by the academic education. However, it makes us ignore  some real things in life, including art. Godwin Liu, the artist of this solo exhibition, is such an artist who paints from his true self.


Godwin Liu's growing story is a legend. In his childhood, he captured thousands of snakes with his magical ability in his village. Therefore, he was repeatedly dropped out of schools. As an adult, he fought for a living in Shanghai and Beijing. In order to survive, he has been staggering through many ups and downs in life. All in all, he likes painting most. Afterwards, he made a living in Sanlitun, Beijing. As a result, he drew portraits for all kinds of people, cultivating an insight into the sensitive state of the world. After a few years, he calmed down and meditated. In order to understand many experiences in life growth, he concentrated on painting. Everything Godwin Liu paints  from his own heart, and there is no taboo or program, but only what he thinks and understands in his mind. In addition, his works are full of light from his soul.


Therefore, when we look at his paintings, we have a unique visual experience. Instead of standardized visual forms, this visual hallucination breaks away from the conventions. It is not through the normal vision, but from the painter's heart. Not only are there the emotions, moods and spirits he wants to express, but also there are  visions he suddenly has, turning into the stagger and fantastic forms. Although these images are seemingly drifting and blurred, they reflect the passions and human nature in his true nature, as if this was a series of things. They are reborn from his visions, which are experiences and shocks that his generation has never imagined, just as the rebirth of spring .



Concerning another implication in Godwin Liu's paintings, he has been constantly confronted with certain spiritual impacts, which forces  him to express by paining. He cannot describe but present them in paintings. just as some enlightenments in history, Just beause they are not confirmed doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I think there is a passage between the real life and the symbolic life. There are  many sensitive people who appear  continualy in the history of art. This is the superstring phenomenon, which may seem hard to prove, but humans have been experiencing the superstring phenomena and experiences throughout history. In terms of art, they are incredible images and inspirations. This phenomenon can be seen from time to time among contemporary artists, but Godwin Liu feels at ease with art, as if he was moved and inspired by this superstring theory. In addition, it is difficult to be explained in the form of art.


We can say that Godwin Liu is not alone. His art is called "fantasy and superstring", which also means that there are too many phenomena on the road of art for us to examine and observe. However, they go beyond a lot of stereotypes and expand the possibilities of the world we imagine. In terms of art, the territory is enriched.



September 14, 2020 in Beijing


