Genealogy of Techniques: Form, Conception and Cognition —Painting Practices of He Duoling and Xiao Kegang

Opening time:4:00pm,6th July,2013
Duration: 2013.07.04 -- 2013.07.14
Location: 2nd floor exhibition hall of building 2

Exhibition Preface

He Duoling thinks, painting is a kind of technique. In the daily sketch and creation practice, He wants to go back to the the original root of drawing. It has no purpose, no idea, even no considering of the spatial and visual composition, but only cares about the touch of writing and feeling. In his view, it is a kind of thought with primitive and instinctive. The difference is, with the same painting technique, Xiao kegang thinks the original root of painting is not on it’s fundamental technique, but to digest the technique. It also has no purpose, no idea and not considering the spatial and visual composition. He cares about the natural experience where the brush touches the canvas after technical process. Undoubtedly, He Duoling and Xiao Kegang share a same premise that the technique is no longer a carrier or a tool, but a kind of poetics and a perception of things.In a sense, it is not only a form, but also the thought;it is not only a style, but also the idea.


Lu Mingjun


He Duoling ,Xiao Kegang

