Liu YouJu's Visionistic works of Painting

Opening time:3:30pm, March 14, 2015
Duration: 2015.03.14 -- 2015.03.28
Location: 2/F Exhibition Hall of Building 3,Today Art Museum

Exhibition Preface

To live in adversity, or to die in prosperity.
Mr. Liu Youju’s experience has drawn a new consideration and direction in Chinese contemporary art world no matter his quit from  in 2011 and the identity transformation of him leading the art trend by Visionistic Painting in 2014. With his art thought leading to his art behavior, he expresses independence and freedom as well as his passion on the colorful new world he created by his brush. 

Not surprisingly is the sensation caused after Mr.Liu Youju’s exhibition in the Nixon Museum,America. However, it is beyond expectation the great attention drawn within the art field and the study as a painting phenomenon.As the famous American art criticizer John Saluce said, “Liu Youju’s painting language is neither the western nor the eastern, it expresses the new trend of art in present era on the basis of humanistic beauty.”
The Chinese art criticizer Mr.Xin Min composed in his article considering “The most fundamental factor of Liu Youju’s Visionistic Painting is constructed by the language of light, the mysterious colors and elegant lines; an alternative art produced after exchange between time and space. The painting of Liu has created a brand new human art form from a new perspective, with its great thought and art not being expressed by any other Chinese painting forms.” 




Liu YouJu

