Melancholy within the Cross - Reagan Lee's Ink Painting Exhibition

Opening time:4pm, June.28, 2014
Duration: 2014.06.28 -- 2014.07.13
Location: 2/F Exhibition Hall of Building 2

Exhibition Preface

The livingexperiences in Asia, Africa and Oceania bestow Li Nanfeng an opportunity of researching the Chinese academic art, the African primitive art and the New Zealand aboriginal art. To Li, these cultural resources are environment as well aseffect. Essentially, nevertheless, Li’s heart is filled with wildness–not that of theoriginal, but of the contemporary. His works are full of male desire, strong and energetic, rough but not rude. Following no certain style, he nearly starts every painting from scratch: but in his strong and heavy work something will always be found to see. Be it acting or performance, painting feeling or integrity, he has his own routines. To Li Nanfeng, painting is a self-fulfillment of art of composition with inborn talents.
   It is not unusual to study abroad for Chinese artists who travel from home and abroad with an international cultural identity, the reason of which, however,owns more to the need of existence than that of art. There are few like Li Nanfeng who maintains a spirit of resistance while being independent. Chinese contemporary art need such isolated snipers who suddenly come out from underground, firing at the long-aimed targets. In this world where conventions,culture industry and ideology devour everything, art is an exception; but real artist can only make a sudden challenger. Isn't it a truth?——by Wang Lin


Wang Lin


Reagan Lee

