
Today Art Museum planns extensive activities every weekend, including seminar, themic salon, artistic work, interaction between parents & children, small-scale performance and so on. These activities bring people closer to art from the perspective of art & culture. The participators will have chances to enjoy cultures, to relax and to receive spiritual cultivation.

The little press club from salutes the classic to the future world

Little press club
From paying tribute to the classics to the future world

The little press club is meeting you again so soon! Last time we took all the young journalists to the exhibition site of "the eggs of meninas".

▲ professional guide day ying teacher led the small reporters detailed understanding of the exhibition

▲ the small reporters according to their own interview outline have interviewed the exhibition center project director sister yu Chen

In the new phase, the small press club will go to the exhibition site of "ye jintian: the whole view" to discover the construction code of the future city in "floating city". In the "spiritual DNA" to explore how to transmit their own feelings; Through the re-creation of Marine waste and plastic waste to show the way we live now.

Activity booking

Recruitment target

Age 7 + children who can write and make sentences

Activity time

13 July (Saturday)

12:00 a.m.

Collection site

Museum 1, today art museum

Recruitment quantity

six people

(Junior journalists club members and those who have participated in the training are preferred)

Activity cost

The membership fee of the small press club is 240 yuan/year

Course consultation and registration

Please leave a message after adding successfully

"Activity name + date/class time + name + age + contact information"

We will reply to you within 1-2 working days