
Today Art Museum planns extensive activities every weekend, including seminar, themic salon, artistic work, interaction between parents & children, small-scale performance and so on. These activities bring people closer to art from the perspective of art & culture. The participators will have chances to enjoy cultures, to relax and to receive spiritual cultivation.

《This time, why we build》Classes begin !

《This time, why we build》Classes begin !

In the open class of architecture last week, today's public education, together with Man Lab and the technical university of Berlin in Germany, launched the latest season of art education PBL "this time, why we build", to explore the topic of architecture with young designers.

▲ The teacher explained the basic principles of architecture

▲ Children create scene on site

▲ The first successful paper building

In the next three months we will explore the following

1. Come on, stand it up


2. Blue plan A

(architectural design)

3. Oh! Brain-burning projects

(method of construction)

4. Where do buildings come from today?

[the evolution of the century-old Bauhaus architecture]

5. Where are we in the future?

(architectural design under specific circumstances)

With all sorts of questions

We will continue to embark on an interdisciplinary journey in architecture

Discover how buildings relate to climate, materials, and construction methods

Look for architectural problems in different contexts

Learn to use visual language to present our imaginative solutions

May start date

May 11th / 18th / 25th

Class time

9:30-12:30 am (morning sessions)

13:30-16:30 (afternoon session)

Warm prompt

Students who have signed up for this course please reserve time according to the class time. If you have any questions, please scan the qr code below and consult the WeChat today public education customer service.