
Today Art Museum planns extensive activities every weekend, including seminar, themic salon, artistic work, interaction between parents & children, small-scale performance and so on. These activities bring people closer to art from the perspective of art & culture. The participators will have chances to enjoy cultures, to relax and to receive spiritual cultivation.


来自 kXvrbKwH 2023.10.30 23:05:19

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Here </> There of THERE Art It is currently on display in Hall 3 of Today's Art Museum. This exhibition is jointly created by SIA International Art Education and Today Art Museum. Its aim is to show the works of more than 100 new artists and designers from top art and design institutes in more than 20 countries in the world. For our small reporters, this exhibition is not only an excellent opportunity to learn the world's most cutting-edge art design, but also to show us the differences between Chinese and western cultures in art exchange.

▲ fabricated conversation, Iain Worgan,Cameron Walker,2019

▲ Exhibition site

The world of art and design is unstable and changes dramatically all the time. These new artists In the end, how can we cope with the ever-changing future? How to cultivate the continuous innovation in the design field? What is the future of art? This Saturday, the small reporters club will wait for you to find out! Past periods were wonderful. Do you remember? In the last activity of the small reporters club, we came together to the exhibition site of "where's the garbage?" which was fun, interesting and informative. Through a detailed understanding of the whole exhibition, the small reporters not only learned the different classification methods of different countries, but also aroused everyone's attention to environmental protection by feeling the creation of artists.

▲ How was the "Biscuit Squad" born

▲ What kind of destruction is the earth's home experiencing under the gorgeous appearance of "crying home"

▲ Little reporters savored the works of fashion designer Zhang Na's "Remanufactured Clothes Bank"

After carefully understanding the exhibition, the small reporters carefully considered and arranged the interview outline. Through interviewing the curator of the exhibition, Mr. Zeng Weixiang, every child hopes to learn more about garbage classification, environmental pollution and garbage recycling methods.

▲ Children who carefully arrange the interview outline

"What is the bicycle made of?" "How did the biscuit squad get its name?" "Where did the garbage go after recycling?" ······ After carefully sorting out the interview outline, the small reporters interviewed the curators on the points they paid attention to in the whole exhibition, and made a summary and sharing together.

▲ The small reporters interacted with the exhibition curators and took photos.

This issue is about the small press club. We will walk in together. "Here </> There future of there art" global cutting-edge design exhibition The curator's little sister will lead everyone to feel it together. The Charm of International Art Design Come and join us!
Special guest for this issue Jian Jiayun
Head of SIA Project Department and Brand Department Executive planning of the exhibition "here </> the future of there art"
Event reservation Recruitment target 7+children who can write and make sentences Activity time October 26 (Saturday) 10:00-11:30 venue Hall 3, Beijing Today Art Museum Number of recruits Seven (Ps: members of small reporters club and small reporters who have participated in training are preferred) Activity expenses The membership fee of the small reporters club is 240 yuan/year Registration consultation Please add the official micro-signal of public education in the lower gallery After adding successfully, please leave a message "activity name+date+name+age" We will reply to you within 1-2 working days.